Sunday 17 April 2011

Yaya Toure to guide the target and win for his brother Kolo

Count Ivory Coast international Yaya Toure scored his goal yesterday against Manchester United to his brother who plays with him on his team, City Colo suspended pretext positive for steroids.

Yaya and the Aris Wembley Stadium yesterday, after leading his team Manchester City to beat Manchester United and qualify for the final of the FA Cup, and is the opportunity for a first title since about thirty-five years of absence from Alttawaijat.

Yaya and said: "I'm sad for him, especially in these moments, it's a professional player and he wants to play hard. "

And added: "People make mistakes in some cases, and this is part of life and of sport, mentally is a tough guy, it's the most important person in my life, He helps me every time I talk with him, and I dedicate this goal and to win for him and for the fans. "


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